Sunday, March 23, 2008


The kids posing with the Family Cup Tennis Ball... isn't she cute?

Mia is wondering why everyone is running around the field picking up
colorful things... what's going on?

Mommy & her girls

Daddy & his boys

WOW... look what my brothers & sister found and they're letting me play with them...
I feel so happy and so loved!

... Mia trying to figure out what all these colorful things are!

... Mia is such a little copy cat! She loves to copy what we do... it's adorable! Can you tell she's lovin' all the attention here?

I'm really proud of my 3 older kids today. Even though most of the Easter Eggs got snatched up today and Mo ended up with 0, Dani with 1, and Ryan had about 7... which were all filled with paper coupons for things like, "claim your free tennis ball", or a "fun night at the River Dogs game" - they didn't complain or whine about the day. What I thought would be a fantastic fun event kinda turned out to be a dud... but as a family - we still had a GREAT time! We found a great place to eat lunch - YO BURRITO (in Mt Pleasant)... the kids watched Ratatouille in the van ... and we were able to spend the day together as a family. Sometimes it's not WHAT YOU DO... but WHO YOU'RE WITH that matters most!

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July 2010 - March 2011

Our Gift of A Day... in beautiful Hawaii

Our Gift of A Day... in beautiful Hawaii
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"our growing family"