Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mommy was watching...

Today I'm thankful for good neighbors. Today I'm thankful that my daughter knows her home phone number. Today I'm thankful for my kids "safety adults".

It's parent/teacher conference week. The kids get out of school at 11:15am. The bus drop off time at the house is 12:21. My phone rings at 11:30 -

"Mommy, are you picking me up today?" It's my sweet 2nd grader on the phone. I look at the clock here at home and I realize she's there, I'm here - 30 minutes away - my boys are on the bus ride home. Clearly she missed the bus and waiting for me in the CAR rider line. My first thought was - Don't panic!

"Bridget's mommy is here" she says.

Feeling relieved, I asked to talk to her... and together the mommy's figure it out and PLAN B is established. I'm thankful that another mommy was watching out for my kid... and didn't just drive off and pick up her kid and leave mine behind to figure things out.
My Mom, Dani (2yrs) & me
FLASHBACK - I remember waiting for my mom. It was cold. There was traffic and a very nice crossing guard. Most likely, she was a Mommy who was watching out for all of us. I felt safe with her, even though I was crying and scared. We lived in Philadelphia. I was in kindergarten. No cellphones. I waited. I cried. I waited... and I still remember it today. I remember feeling scared... not knowing what to do. My mom worked nights as a nurse while my dad was in his residency. She'd nap when she could and then took care of my brother & I. That day she overslept. When she finally arrived - I was so happy to see her beautiful face! I'm not sure how she did what she did... work nights and cook/clean/care for us when she needed to be sleeping!
Working mom's... how do they balance it? Being a mommy is truly a full time position as far as I'm concerned! Right now, my J-O-B is being a Mommy to my 4 kids. I'm blessed to be able to spend the time with my kids and raise them! I do the best I can to raise them right. Teach them good manners. Do the laundry, clean the house, cook their meals... Afterall, I learned from the best (my own momma!) and she stayed home with us and raised us. (I think after 1st grade... my mom was home with us full time)... she kept busy raising us ... running us around to music lessons, gymnasitcs & karate... all the while volunteering A LOT in our community!
From one mommy to another... I hope your kids are always safe. Do your kids know their safety adult? Do they know their home phone number? Your cellphone number? Talk to your kids and tell them who their "safety adults" are. We've established that here and they know who they are.
In big amusement parks, malls or crowded areas I don't just put a card in my kids pocket and say, "here's our phone number in case we get separated"... things happen. I actually take a sharpie pen and WRITE our names on their leg or arm and our cellphone numbers ON them. Yes, I have been known to do that - especially when they were younger. Crowds make me nervous - especially when I'm outnumbered and I'm only one adult to 4 kids. Thankfully my 3 kids are older now... but I just don't take these things forgranted! No parent should. There should ALWAYS be a plan! One of our family "PLANS" is... if you need help... look for someone who looks like a MOMMY with kids. Ask them to help you.

If you have a wanderer that makes you nervous, like Ryan was when he was 3 or 4... try this one. From a distance, allow your child to wander off - while you keep a close eye on him/her. See how long it takes for them to notice that they're lost. I did that at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg with Ryan... I still remember the panic in his face and how he didn't know which way to go or where to turn. He cried and I slowly approached him and said, "I'm here... Mommy was watching you the whole time"...
OOohh, if we could only hold on to them...
FOREVER! ... safe!
Daddy holding Dani (4yrs old). When do our kids stop holding tight? I want them to hold on as long & as tight as they can... she's already 7 and I feel like the time is quickly passing!! This photo was taken 3 years ago... and I still remember taking it! TODAY I'M SO THANKFUL FOR ALL THE MOMENTS I'M GIVEN WITH MY KIDDOS! They are my little gifts from GOD!
... to all the mommy's out there WATCHING out for your kids & the safety of your neighbors kids and your kids friends. Thank you! Together we will keep our kids safe!

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