Friday, March 28, 2008

4 plus 2...

This is Madison... Dani's best bud from kindergarten. She's also our neighbor! Dani & Madison also take gymnastics together... until Madison made the team and is now going a couple more hours during the week - we miss our "girlfriend time" on thursdays... but CONGRATS Madison for making the gymnastic team... that is so awesome!

Lucky for us... Madison's family just lives down the street... so the girls got a chance to spend the day together yesterday. In fact, we also had Tucker McGrew (Morgan's first pen pal friend)... here are the kids at the park yesterday... it was a gorgeous day in Summerville! I'm so glad that my kids have GOOD friends who come from GOOD families and have GOOD manners! Taking care of 6 kids yesterday wasn't so bad!!

The pool & playground is just walking distance from our house... and the crew was there cleaning & getting the pool ready for the warmer weather... SPRING IS DEFINITELY HERE! AAAACCcchhoo!

Tucker was so sweet pushing Mia on the swing... thanks Tuck!

Dani absolutely LOVES LOVES LOVES her baby sister!

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