Growing up with an older brother I got teased and silently tortured a lot! It’s some kind of rite of passage I think with older siblings. Trips in the car is a vivid memory of my past. “Mom, he touched me” – did you ever have that “last touch” battle with your brother or sister? Punch, hit, arm slap, leg tap… followed by the light tap back and forth until it's barely a touch but in your mind you know you had the "last touch". “Dad, he’s bothering me again”. Problem solved. My dad decided to move my bro to the front seat. Sounded like a great idea until he pulled the sunshade down and opened the mirror just to STARE at me through the mirror. “Dad, he’s looking at me!” Oh, my poor parents!
Payback. Now I’m a mommy of FOUR – and the youngest is still too cute to be messed with – but I’m sure that will all change very soon! “I’m sitting by Mia”, “She sat by Mia last time, it’s my turn”. Then there’s my little man – the feely touchy kid who needs to be ON TOP of you! “Mommy, he won’t move over!”
Payback. Now I’m a mommy of FOUR – and the youngest is still too cute to be messed with – but I’m sure that will all change very soon! “I’m sitting by Mia”, “She sat by Mia last time, it’s my turn”. Then there’s my little man – the feely touchy kid who needs to be ON TOP of you! “Mommy, he won’t move over!”
Fortunately our van is equipped, as many of yours are – with a DVD player. Key in ignition, movie on – AHHHhhhh PEACEFUL ride. We even have the headphones that are wireless so they can hear it and we can listen to the radio or a CD. Ooh if only we had this growing up. When we first got it the rule was: WE WILL NOT WATCH THE TV EVERY SINGLE TIME WE’RE IN THE VAN! Just on long trips. Yeah, right! DVD = PEACE. Sometimes momma just needs a little peace & quiet. Don’t judge!
On those “good momma” days – I remember the rule and allow my kids to be “UNPLUGGED”. Just to hear them talk and find out about their day. I drove them to school this morning and got to spend some real “quality time” with my four. These are the “in between” MOMENTS IN TIME that I LOVE!
Radio turned on to JOY 92… our local Seventh-Day Adventist Radio Station. It’s so nice to have a good Christian Radio Station right here on Guam. Good music, good health tips... I turned down the radio and ask the kids:
Momma: “If someone asked you about being SDA, what would you say?”
Morgan: “Many are vegetarian”
Momma: “Yes, we have a Health message… like not eating any unclean meats like Pork and shellfish. Also staying away from harmful things like tobacco & alcohol. Did you know that some people smoke and some people just put the tobacco right in between their cheeks & gums?”
Ryan: “Really?”
Momma: “Yes, do you remember our computer guy that used to come over to our house to fix our computer? He always chewed Tobacco and carried around a cup to spit into it…. gross, isn’t it?”
Daniella: “Is that why Daddy spits a lot?”
Momma: “No sweetie, your daddy doesn’t chew Tobacco”
Daniella: “But mommy, he loves Tobasco”
Momma: (laughing)… “Ooh, no Dani, that’s different that’s Tobasco a spicy sauce – I’m talking about Tobacco”
Ryan: “Daddy spits a lot because he has a lot of phlegm”